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Sunday, July 15, 2012

What is your definition of success?

For a while I personally struggled with this one.  My definition of success was a certain amount of cash in the bank, having a nice vehicle, being in a good relationship, and dressing nicely.  As I studied more about the definition of success, the more I realized that success is a constant journey.

What I mean by that is that it isn’t when you get to a certain point you will be successful.  It’s the journey itself.  Deciding to make that journey and then setting forth on that journey is success.  Making a decision is the most important part.  Just decide to do so but there is an equally important part that also needs to be done and that is taking action.

Decide and act.  That’s it.  In my personal business I have found that just simplifying everything and focusing on one thing is best.  I wasn’t successful because I was focusing on so many different things and not focusing on one.  Once I decided on my one thing to focus on, then I simply made a decision that is going to be it.  The evidence of this blog post is me finally taking the required action necessary.

The only thing that separates me from my goal is time now.  What is your definition of success?

Robert David Fraser

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