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Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to get people to visit your blog in order to actually make money

How to get people to visit your blog in order to actually make money

So if you are marketing via a blog, the only thing you need is more and more people visiting your blog everyday.

The more people that visit your blog, essentially is the more money you will make.  It’s simply a numbers game.

So, how do you get people to visit your blog?

Answer questions!! 

Just like I have to get you here!!

I have found, that 9 times out of 10, if I am blogging about a business that I am in (ie the name, review, etc) that people don’t join. 

I have found that when you tell a story that answers a question

Or are entertaining, yet at the same time answering a question

That works 1000 times better than writing a review on XYZ company!!

Keep blog posts short, easy to read, entertaining (mildly especially if you have a dry sense of humor like I do!!) and tell little stories!!

Also include a strong call to action near the end of your post and do over do it with the banner ads!

Just do this every day and your results will start compounding over time!

It’s just that simple and just do it more than the other guy!

You will win!

-Robert Fraser-

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