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Showing posts with label Four Corners Alliance Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Four Corners Alliance Group. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2015

Affording Traffic With My Paying Ads

The above pic was from a dayish ago from 11/27/15 and the below pic is from this morning..

So, if you will notice in the bottom pic that my share on ad pack plan 3 are growing but my shares on ad pack plan 1 are falling off.  What I have learned is that the max amount of shares on the levels is 200 but the max amount of shares on the 10th level is unlimited.

So, what does this all mean.. I mean what's the purpose (even if you don't understand it).

The purpose is the deeper reason why I participate in rev share opportunitites.  That reason is
to generate a daily budget to be able to buy outside traffic.  I participated in Traffic Monsoon so
I could generate a weekly budget so I could buy solo ads.  This is what took me from barely making
it, to now six figures.

My goal for my paying ads is to maintain 100 active shares on each level.  When you get 100
active shares on level 1, you can start buying shares on level 2, and etc.  If you don't have 100 shares
in the lower level, then you can't buy shares in the higher levels.  Once i progress to level 10, I will
be withdrawing steady cash to buy more traffic from places like Udimi solo ads and Traffic for me

This is also why I replaced Traffic Monsoon with My Paying Ads in the Broke Man's Plan ONLY.
I still highly recommend Traffic Monsoon, but I see My Paying Ads as a way to work up the funds
to buy those $50 ad packs in TM.

Also with the Free marketing sytem we have for My Paying Ads (plus the 4 corners add on),
it's a win win!  I've sponsored over 260 folks in 4 Corners and I have a passive income of $150
a week just from referrals under me in my 4 corners matrix.  Here it is Friday and I'm already at $140
and by Sunday (withdraw day) I know I'll have my $150.  See the pic below..

All you really have to do is CLICK HERE and get your free account and go through the free training area

Again the above is the Broke Man's Plan which features My Paying Ads, 4 corners, and the free marketing system.
You will need an auto-responder and for this system I would recommend Traffic Wave.

If you want to kick your earnings in high gear, then you need my FULL PLAN HERE!
My full plan features Traffic Authority, Power Lead System, and Traffic Monsoon.  The idea is to work the Broke Man's Plan until you can afford THE PLAN.

The Broke Man's Plan is like a bicycle and THE PLAN is like a brand new 2016 Ford Mustang!  Both will still get you to where you want to go!

Talk Soon!
Rob F.

^^ THIS IS MY PLAN... and is not the Broke Man's Plan as described in the email above.  Two systems all working to get you paid!

Also see

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My My Advertising Pays Progress and Complete Business Model Week 1

I haven't been creating these posts regularly and this is part of my commitment to keep a weekly journal of my journey with My Advertising Pays and to also educate other marketers and people looking to make money online.

In this post, I will cover my progress so far with My Advertising Pays and how I'm turning the traffic I get on the MAPS traffic exchange into cash. I will say results are not typical and you can see the income disclosure statement here.

The pic is basically where everything is at. I have 40 active credit packs, have withdrawn over $1,100 so far, and have 49 personal referrals into My Advertising Pays. I have a combined earnings of over $3,500 to date.

On MAPS, I promote 3 separate offers and to date have 134 personal sign ups in my various opportunities. I only promote a total of 4 offers in a complete system that I call “4 Corners and 4 Streams” to which MAPS is one of those offers.

So how this works is I promote My Advertising Pays pretty heavily and will “lead” with MAPS first. Meaning I will talk about MAPS on social media, blog, youtube, etc. I also alternate with Traffic Monsoon as the “leading” program. I do that because, I'm sure you will agree, that most people don't want to join another business. People want to make money and build their existing business.

I give other marketers the My Advertising Pays solution to their targeted traffic problem. That's how I got 49 referrals and counting. Now what I promote on the traffic exchange is a little bit different of a story.

On MAPS, I promote Four Corners Alliance Group, Power Lead System, and Traffic Monsoon.

On Traffic Monsoon, I promote Four Corners Alliance Group, Power Lead System, and My Advertising Pays.

So can you understand how I'm linking these programs together. Every credit pack I purchase gives me 550 clicks and I simply divide them evenly across my 3 offers.

I'm sure you want to know my results right? I will preface this by saying results aren't typical but obtainable to those who do the work!

In Four Corners, I have a daily growing downline of 85 people. Everyday I check my back office and have made commissions from my team.

In Power Lead System, I have $200 per month coming in.

In MAPS, I have 49 referrals and in Traffic Monsoon I have 65 referrals.

My goal in writing this is to show you that this “4 Corners and 4 Streams” system is working and if you participate in all 4 programs and link them together you will succeed if you do the work.

What's the work?
After you link the programs together and get our share codes to use within the Power Lead System, simple blog and shoot Youtube videos. All I do everyday is surf my ads, schedule an email and social media posts, make sure my traffic is pumping, and write a daily blog and/or video. Following this I am now averaging 1-5 sign ups 7 days per week.

It's my goal to help as many people duplicate what I'm doing. You can do the same.
It's a simple process.

Step 2 Get in Power Lead System
Use these sharing codes with PLS
186866-4cornersgeneric for 4 Corners
184826-viralcashprivate for Power Lead System
186866-mapsteam for MAPS
327828-TrafficMonsoonBusiness for Traffic Monsoon

Step 3 Get in My Advertising Pays

Step 4 Get in Traffic Monsoon

Once you complete these steps email me with your questions. Once you complete all those steps, the next thing to focus on is getting to where you can buy 1 credit pack per day on MAPS. I spent $650 of my own cash to get credit packs and now my credit packs make me more money every day. So to date I spent $650 and withdrawn $1100 and everyday my business is growing. See Income disclaimer.

There you have it folks!

Rob Fraser

P.S. No need to do anything else outside of what you just read on this blog post! I'm sure you can agree that is a very simple plan!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Power Lead System Features

In this short post, I’m going to talk about some of the Power Lead System Features.  I’m going to cover how I found Power Lead System (PLS), why I joined, and how I market online using this platform.  During the course of discuss these three things, I will explain more about the Power Lead System Features that will your help you promote any business, product, or service online. 

How I found Power Lead System

I found the Power Lead System by surfing on the My Advertising Pays traffic exchange.  The capture page was extremely targeted to me especially where I found it.  This is one of the best features of PLS.

The targeted capture page spoke to me where I found it.  The video spoke about getting more MAPS signups and having the same exact sales and marketing funnel that the number 5 guy in MAPS has.  In my mind, it was a no-brainer and as such joined Power Lead System.

Why I joined Power Lead System

I joined the Power Lead System because I wanted to sponsor more people into MAPS and have the same system that is proven to work. 

I listened to an inner circle audio a while back and a guy was talking about how he starting getting higher opt ins, conversions, and email opens because he personalized everything.  He simply put a quick video on his capture page and thank you page.  On his thank you page, instead of showing the business or product presentation he directs his leads to open their email.

He does this so his leads get accustomed and used to looking for his emails.  This one tactic has exploded his email open rates.

So in like fashion, I joined the Power Lead System and it’s very easy to include your personality in your marketing with this system. 

Marketing Power Lead System Online

I suppose the best way to market the Power Lead System is to talk about the benefits (as I’m doing in this post) and share it with your new team members.  I didn’t understand it at first until I saw how to setup my own sales funnels for a couple of opportunities I’m promoting online. 

Again, I never understood what all the Power Lead System had to offer nor why I needed it until I wanted to get more signups into one of my businesses.  So in keeping with how I found it, would recommend that this is also the best way to market it. 

See my personalized Power Lead System capture page here for the MAPS traffic exchange!

Another great way to make money with this system is in the link below!

Rob Fraser
Also see

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Where to get traffic for your 4 Corners Alliance Group Co op

In this short post, I’m going to talk about a 4 Corners Alliance Group Co op and why you should have one in place if you plan on marketing this business online. 

First off, to really start getting momentum going in 4 Corners Alliance Group you really have to sponsor a good amount of people.  Now if you are marketing this program online, it’s good to have a 4 Corners Alliance Group marketing system.  The second thing needed is a cost effective way of getting leads on a daily basis.

In this post, I’m going to explain why you should listen to me, the marketing system we use, where we get our traffic from, and how it all ties in together.

When looking for ways to make money online, it’s important to listen to people who are currently making money online. 

There is a guy named Frank Calabro who is currently the number 2 earner in Four Corners Alliance Group.  He created a marketing funnel that allows us to duplicate his capture pages, sales videos, and auto responder follow up series.  It’s essentially a plug and play system.  Just needs you to get activated and duplicating.

The system does the presenting, selling, telling, and follow up.  All you need is traffic.

We have that covered as well.  Using the same marketing system you can see our traffic source here.  It could be used as a separate business in it’s own right.  I switch from marketing our traffic source to other marketers to marketing my business.

Hopefully this makes sense so far, and if not, I will just write more posts and try to explain more clearly.

The capture pages and sales videos we use for our 4 Corners Alliance Group team build are all created with the Power Lead System.  Using the Power Lead System, Frank has also created a marketing funnel for My Advertising Pays, or MAPS, which is our co op.  My Advertising Pays is a place where you can go buy targeted traffic. 

The people who are surfing ads on My Advertising Pays are buyers, people who have spent money, and people who have spent money in the past on their business will spend more money in the future.  They are more inclined to join a business or buy a tool. 

How My Advertising Pays works is you buy a credit pack for $49.99 or $50 lets say.  Each $50 credit pack will give you 550 unique visitors to your website, capture page, or blog of your choice.  For each credit pack you purchase you will also have the ability to earn $60 back through the revenue share portion of My Advertising Pays,

Think of this as a massive team build and co op.  Each credit pack working for you is delivering real visitors and interested people to your website.  Teach your team to do the exact same thing and your marketing dollars are multiplied exponentially. 

It’s just as simple as that and if you want to make money in 4 Corners Alliance Group then the co op method is the best thing to do.  With 4 Corners not having any monthly fees, that frees up more money to go into your 4 Corners Alliance Group Co op.

Get more info on My Advertising Pays here!

Get info on 4 Corners Alliance Group here!

Rob Fraser
Also see